Induction is a stimulation process to stimulate uterine contractions before natural contractions occur, with the aim of accelerating the labor process. This procedure cannot be done haphazardly, because it contains more risks than normal labor. For those who live it, it is advisable to get as complete information as possible about the reasons, procedures, and risks that may be encountered.
There is no natural way to trigger contractions or childbirth. Maybe you've heard that having sex, taking certain herbal medicines, nipple stimulation, or acupuncture, can trigger contractions. However, some of these methods have not been proven scientifically, while others do not provide sufficient stimulating effects.
Reasons for Induction
If after the estimated baby's birth date, you haven't shown any signs of giving birth and there are no serious health problems, the doctor will usually wait up to two weeks. But if the content has reached 42 weeks of age, it is necessary to think of ways to trigger the birth of a baby. Why is that? Because after this period, the risk of baby complications and the risk of childbirth will be higher. Meconium or baby's stool if swallowed can cause respiratory distress or lung infection in the baby. Pregnancy more than 42 weeks also increases the risk of fetal distress. To avoid this risk, induction is needed to speed up the delivery process. Induction is generally carried out under the following conditions:If your amniotic fluid has ruptured but you have not felt a contraction
The risk of infection increases when your amniotic fluid has ruptured for more than one day and hasn't been delivered. In this situation, you usually need a Caesarean section. Considerations for induction will be different for different gestational ages:
- If the amniotic fluid ruptures at less than 34 weeks' gestation, induction will only be offered if there are other factors that confirm that the choice is the best way.
- If the amniotic fluid breaks after 34 weeks of pregnancy, you will generally be offered induction, or labor management, where the doctor will monitor the condition of the baby in the womb. If possible, then labor can still be carried out with a normal process, as long as it is considered safe for the mother and baby.
- These choices should be discussed first with your obstetrician. Because babies born under 37 weeks of pregnancy will be vulnerable to various health problems related to premature birth.
If your womb exceeds the estimated time of delivery
If the baby doesn't have any signs of coming out when your womb exceeds 42 weeks, then the risk of the baby dying in the womb and other problems will be even higher. This is when induction is usually offered.
If you experience health problems
If you suffer from certain diseases, such as high blood pressure or diabetes that might affect the baby's condition and growth, your doctor will offer an induction procedure for the health of you and your baby.
Various Induction Methods
There are various methods that can be chosen for induction. The method taken depends very much on the conditions and problems faced by each pregnant woman, including:Sweep membrane
This method is done by a doctor or midwife by sweeping their fingers around the cervix to separate the lining of the amniotic sac with the cervix. During separation, the release of the hormone prostaglandin which plays a role triggers labor.
Tie the cervix
The doctor will give treatment to ripen the cervix, using drugs containing hormones that can be given orally (taken) or put into the vagina. Another technique that can be used, is to insert a balloon catheter into the cervix.
Solve amniotic fluid
This process, called amniotomy, is done if the baby's head has reached the lower pelvis and the cervix is half open. Your baby's heart rate will be monitored before and after the procedure.
Using drugs infused with blood vessels
Synthetic hormones that can cause uterine contractions, namely oxytocin, are infused into blood vessels. This process is done if the cervix has begun to thin out and soften. It aims to trigger contractions as well.
Risks That Can Arise from Induction
Keep in mind, as with other medical procedures, induction still has risks, because it is only done on strong indications. Here are some risks of labor induction that need to be anticipated:- Induction labor usually feels more painful than normal labor, so most women ask for pain relief during this process.
- Labor with induction is more likely to require forceps to remove the baby.
- Induction of gestational age that is too early can cause babies born prematurely. In this situation, induction can make the baby difficult
- If your cervix doesn't open, induction can lead to a cesarean section.
- Oxytocin or prostaglandins are drugs that are used for induction. Both of these ingredients have the potential to cause several complications, including making your baby's heartbeat weaker, as well as reducing the oxygen supply to it. Therefore, a comparison of risks and benefits of drugs needs to be considered.
- Induction can increase the risk of interference with the umbilical cord entering the vagina before delivery. This situation can compress the umbilical cord and reduce the flow of oxygen to the baby.
- Some induction methods, such as flaking the cervix, placing a balloon catheter on the cervix, or breaking the amniotic fluid can increase the risk of infection in the mother and baby.
- Induction can increase the risk of your uterine muscles not contracting after delivery, thereby increasing the risk of bleeding after the baby is born.
- A rare but very serious complication is the rupture of the uterus because the baby comes out of the uterine wall into the mother's abdominal cavity. This life-threatening condition must be treated by caesarean section.
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